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Publication Manual for Journal of Special Education: Theory and Practice

(Approved on February 1, 2020)

All manuscripts should be submitted via the Journal’s online submission website.
This manual contains the guidelines for manuscripts written in English that are submitted to the Journal of Special Education: Theory and Practice(JSETP)

  • Ⅰ. Contents of the Manuscript
    • A. Parts of the manuscript
      • 1) Cover page
      • 2) Title page
      • 3) Abstract (including 3–5 key words)
      • 4) Text
      • 5) References
      • 6) Tables and Figures
      • 7) Form for Copyright Transfer
    • B. Guidelines for manuscript preparation
      • 1) Types of manuscripts that will be accepted for review: Original articles, Brief notes, Reviews, Current topics, and Reports of practical research.
      • 2) All articles are at most 16 printed pages or less. A printed page is approximately 1200 words or less. The total number of pages includes the title, abstract, key words, text, references, endnotes, acknowledgements, figures, tables, and line drawings. The cost of extra-pages (10,000 won for each additional page) will be charged to the authors.
      • 3) All manuscripts must be typewritten double-spaced, in English (American spelling and usage), on A4 (210×297mm) or letter (8 1/2×11 inches)-size bond paper. Type size must be at least 10 point, with 2.5cm margins on all sides.
      • 4) Margins: Top (35mm), Bottom (40mm), Left and Right (36mm), Header (15mm), Footer (10mm)
  • Ⅱ. Cover Page
    • On a separate cover page, provide the mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the author to whom correspondence should be sent. Names and affiliations of the authors should only appear on the cover page.
  • Ⅲ. Abstract and Key Words
    • On a separate page, submit a 100- to 175-word abstract in English. After the abstract, list three to five key words, arranged in order of importance. The abstract in Korean is also preferable. Do not put the names and affiliations of the authors.
  • Ⅳ. Title
    • Titles should summarize the main idea of the manuscript simply, in at most 18 words. They should be a concise statement of the main topic, and identify the variables or theoretical issues considered. Avoid words that serve no useful purpose, such as “method,” “results,” “a study of,” and “an experimental investigation of.” Avoid using abbreviations in titles.
  • Ⅴ. Text
    • A. Headings
      • 1) All topics of equal importance have the same level of heading throughout a manuscript. Headings function as an outline to reveal the manuscript’s organization.
      • 2) Each section starts with the highest level of heading; long sections may be divided by subheadings. For example, the Method and Results sections of a paper might each have two levels of subheading, and the Discussion section, only one level of subheading. As shown in Fig. 1, there would be three levels of heading for the paper overall: the section headings (Method, Results, and Discussion) and two levels of subheading. When subheadings are used within a section, use at least two at each level, as in the example in Fig. 1.

    • B. Punctuation
      • Punctuation establishes the cadence of a sentence, telling the reader where to pause (comma, semicolon, and colon), stop (period and question mark), or take a detour (parentheses and brackets).
        • 1) Period: Use a period at the end of every complete declarative sentence.
        • 2) Comma: Use a comma (a) between elements (including before and and or) in a series of three or more items, (b) to set off a nonessential or nonrestrictive clause, that is, a clause that embellishes a sentence but if removed would leave the grammatical structure and meaning of the sentence intact, (c) to separate two independent clauses joined by a conjunction, (d) to set o the year in exact dates, (e) to set o the year in parenthetical reference citations, and (f) to separate groups of three digits in most numbers of 1,000 or more.
        • 3) Semicolon: Use a semicolon (a) to separate two independent clauses that are not joined by a conjunction and (b) to separate elements in a series that contains commas.
        • 4) Colon: Use a colon between a grammatically complete introductory clause (one that could stand as a sentence) and a final phrase or clause that illustrates, extends, or amplifies the preceding thought. If the clause following the colon is a complete sentence, it begins with a capital letter. Use a colon in ratios and proportions.
        • 5) Double or Single Quotation Marks: Use double quotation marks to enclose quotations in the text. Use single quotation marks only within double quotation marks, in order to set off material that, in the original source, was enclosed in double quotation marks.
        • 6) Parentheses: Use parentheses (a) to set o structurally independent elements, (b) to set off citations referred to in the text of the manuscript, (c) to introduce an abbreviation, (d) to set off letters that identify items in a series within a sentence or paragraph, (e) to group mathematical expressions, (f) to enclose a citation or the page number of a direct quotation, (g) to enclose numbers that identify displayed formulas and equations, and (h) to enclose degrees of freedom.
        • 7) Brackets: Use brackets (a) to enclose parenthetical material that is already within parentheses and (b) to enclose material inserted in a quotation by some person other than the original writer.
          • C. Italics

            Use italics for (a) titles of books, periodicals, and microfilm publications, (b) genera, species, and varieties, (c) introduction of a new, technical, or key term or label (a after a term has been used once, do not italicize it further), (d) letters, words, or phrases cited as a linguistic example, (e) words that could be misread, (f) letters used as statistical symbols or algebraic variables, and (g) anchors of a scale.

          • D. Abbreviations
            • 1) Because abbreviations may not be familiar to students or to readers in other disciplines or other countries, use an abbreviation only if it is conventional so that readers are likely to be familiar with it (e.g., LD, WISC-R, IEP).v
            • 2) A term to be abbreviated must, on its first appearance, be written out completely, followed immediately by its abbreviation in parentheses. Thereafter, the abbreviation is used in the text without further explanation (do not switch between the abbreviated and written-out forms of a term).
            • 3) Abbreviations in a Figure must be explained in its caption or legend. Abbreviations in a Table must be explained either in the Table title (if it includes words that are abbreviated in the body of the table) or in the Table note. An abbreviation used in several figures or tables must be explained in each figure or table in which the abbreviation is used. Avoid introducing abbreviations into Figure captions or Table notes if they do not appear in the Figure or Table. Standard abbreviations for units of measurement do not need to be written out on first use.
            • 3) Abbreviations in a Figure must be explained in its caption or legend. Abbreviations in a Table must be explained either in the Table title (if it includes words that are abbreviated in the body of the table) or in the Table note. An abbreviation used in several figures or tables must be explained in each figure or table in which the abbreviation is used. Avoid introducing abbreviations into Figure captions or Table notes if they do not appear in the Figure or Table. Standard abbreviations for units of measurement do not need to be written out on first use.
            • 4) Latin abbreviations: Use the following standard Latin abbreviations only in parenthetical material. In non-parenthetical material, use the English translation of the Latin terms.




              that is,


              for example,


              versus, against


              and so forth

            • 5) Scientific abbreviations
              • (a) Units of measurement: Use abbreviations and symbols for metric and non-metric units of measurement that are accompanied by numeric values (e.g., 4cm, 30s, 12 min, 18 hr, 45°C). The SI system should be used for units of measurement.
              • (b) Units of time: To prevent misreading, do not abbreviate the following units of time, even when they are accompanied by numeric values: day, week, month, year.
                Some common abbreviations for units of measurement:

                AC, alternating current

                a.m., ante meridiem

                °C, degree Celsius

                cm, centimeter

                cps, cycles per second

                dB, decibel

                DC, direct current

                deg/s, degrees per second

                dl, deciliter

                g, gram

                hr, hour

                Hz, hertz

                in, inch

                IQ, intelligent quotient

                IU, international unit

                kg, kilogram

                km, kilometer

                kph, kilometers per hour

                kW, kilowatt

                L, liter

                m, meter

                mA, milliampere

                mg, milligram

                min, minute

                ml, milliliter

                mm, millimeter

                ms, millisecond

                p.m., past meridiem

                ppm, parts per million

                s, second

                V, volt

                W, watt

          • E. Numbers
            • The general rule on the use of numbers is to use figures for numbers 10 and above, and words for numbers below 10.
          • F. Statistics in the text of the manuscript
            • When reporting inferential statistics (e.g.,t tests, F tests, chi-square tests), include suffi- cient information to allow the reader to understand the analyses conducted fully and provide possible alternative explanations for the results of the analyses. What constitutes sufficient information depends on the analytic approach selected. Examples follow:
              For immediate recognition, the omnibus test of the main effect of sentence format was statistically significant, F(2, 177)=4.37, p<.05. Regarding the 2 one-degree-of-freedom contrasts of interest (C1 and C2 above), both reached the specified .05 significance leve1, F(1, 117)=4.03, p<.05, and F(1, 117)=4.71,p<.05, respectively. The size of the effect…
              For the autokinetic movement illusion, highly hypnotizable people (M=8.19, SD=7.12) reported perceiving the stationary light as moving significantly more often than did the other participants (M=5.26, SD=4.25), t(60)=1.99, p<.05 (one-tailed), as predicted. The high-hyponotizability group (M=21.41, SD=10.35) was found to have statistically greater occurrences of extreme, focused attention than the low-hyponotizability group (M=16.24, SD=11.09), t(75)=2.11, p<.05 (one tailed).
              If you present descriptive statistics in a table or figure, you do not need to repeat them in the text, although mentioning particularly important results in the narrative may be helpful.
  • Ⅵ. References
    • All citations to monographs, articles, and statistical sources must be identified at the appropriate point in the text by the last name of the author(s) and year of publication (plus pagination, if necessary), all within parentheses. References in the Reference List should be listed alphabetically by the first author’s last name. Journal titles should be spelled out in full. In case of Korean articles, please translate the Korean title into English.
      Examples of the format for the reference list:
      • Book:
        Baron-Cohen, S. (1995) Mindblindness: An essay on autism and theory of mind. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
      • Edited Book : Schopler, E., Van Bourgondien, M. E., & Bristol, M. M. (Eds.) (1993) Preschool issues in autism. Plenum Press, New York.
      • Chapter in Edited Book : McClannahan, L. E. & Krantz, P. J. (1997) In search of solutions to prompt dependence: Teaching children with autism to use photographic activity schedules. In D. M. Baer & E. M. Pinkston (Eds.), Environment and behavior. Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 271–278.
      • Journal Article: Shute, B. & Wheldall, K. (1989) Pitch alterations in British motherese: Some preliminary acoustic data. Journal of Child Language, 16, 503–512.
      • Unpublished Work: Wilney, D. E. (1989) Interpersonal analysis of bulimia: Normal-weight and obese women. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri.
      • Government report: National Institute of Mental Health (1990) Clinical training in serious mental illness (DHHS Publication No. ADM90-1679) U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C..
      • Article originally published in Korean:Kim, H. & Lee, T. (2002) Understanding and management of visual impairment in adolescents. Korean Journal of Special Education, 40, 1321–1327. (in Korean)
  • Ⅶ. Tables
    • A. Each table should be on a separate page. The location of tables in the text must be clearly indicated.
    • B. Table numbers
      Number all tables with Arabic numerals in the order in which the tables are first mentioned in the text, regardless of whether discussion of a table also occurs later in the manuscript. Do not use suffix letters to number tables; that is, label tables as Tables 5, 6, and 7, not as Tables 5a, 5b, and 5c, or else combine related tables into one table. Do not put a period after the Table number.
    • C. Table titles
      Give every Table a brief but clear and explanatory title. Words of four letters or more should start with a capital letter. Do not put a period at the end of the Table title.
    • D. Headings
      A table classifies related items and enables the reader to compare them. Table headings establish the logic of your organization of the data and identify the columns of data beneath them. A heading should be brief and preferably no more characters in length than the widest entry of the column it spans.
    • E. Ruling of Tables
      Typesetting requirements restrict the use of rules (i.e., lines) in a table. Limit the rules to those that are necessary for clarity, and use only horizontal rules. Vertical rules are rarely used in this Journal. Appropriately positioned white space can be an effective substitute for rules; for example, long, uninterrupted columns of numbers or words are more readable if a horizontal line of space is inserted after every fourth or fifth entry.
      In preparation of the tables, use generous spacing between columns and rows and strict alignment in order to clarify relationships within a table.
    • F. Size of Tables
      Turning a journal sideways to read a table is inconvenient for readers. You can design tables to fit within the width of the journal page by counting characters (i.e., letters, numbers, and spaces).
    • G. Relation between Tables
      Consider combining tables that repeat data. Ordinarily, identical columns or rows of data should not appear in two or more tables. Be consistent in the presentations of all tables within a paper to facilitate comparisons. Use similar formats, titles, and headings, and use the same terminology throughout (e.g., either response time or reaction time, not both).
    • H. Relation of Tables and text
      • 1) Ensuring that each table can be understood on its own: Each table should be an integral part of the text, but should also be intelligible without reference to the text. Explain all abbreviations (except standard statistical abbreviations, such as M, SD, and df ) either in the Table title or in the Table note. Explain any special use of underlining, dashes, and parentheses. Always identify units of measurement.
      • 2) Use medium lines for the vertical and horizontal axes. The best ratio for the axes depends on the data.
      • 3) Choose the appropriate grid scale. Consider the range and scale separation to be used on both axes and the overall dimensions of the figure, so that the plotted data span the entire figure.
      • 4) In line graphs, a change in the proportionate sizes of the x units to the y units changes the slant of the line. Thus, for example, disproportionately large units on the vertical axis will increase the appearance of differences. Be sure that the curve or slant of the line accurately reflects the data.
      • 5) Indicate units of measurement by placing tick marks on each axis at intervals. Use equal increments of space between tick marks on linear scales.
      • 6) Clearly label each axis with both the quantity measured and the units in which the quantity is measured.
      • 7) Position the axis label parallel to its axis. Do not stack letters so that the label reads vertically; do not place a label perpendicular to the vertical (y) axis unless it is very short (i.e., two words or a maximum of 10 characters). The numbering and lettering of grid points should be horizontal on both axes.
      • 8) Use legibility as a guide in determining the number of lines to place on a figure, usually no more than four per graph. Allow adequate space between and within the data lines, remembering that the Figure may need to be reduced.
      • 9) Use distinct, simple geometric forms for plot points. Good choices are open and solid circles and triangles. Combinations of squares and circles or squares and diamonds are not recommended because they can be difficult to differentiate if the Figure is reduced.
  • Ⅸ. Endnotes
    Endnotes supplement or amplify substantive information in the text; they should not include complicated, irrelevant, or nonessential information. Because they are distracting to readers and expensive to include in printed material, endnotes should be included only if they strengthen the discussion. An endnote should convey just one idea.
    If an endnote is a paragraph or displays equations, then present that information in the main text or an appendix. An alternative is to indicate in a short endnote that additional material is available from the author. Important information should be presented in the text, not in an endnote.
    Number endnotes consecutively throughout an article with superscript Arabic numerals. Type all endnotes, numbered, on a separate page at the end of the manuscript.
  • Ⅹ. Research Ethics
    Authors should abide by the Research Institute of the Korea Special Education(RIKSE) code of ethics.arate page at the end of the manuscript.
  • Ⅺ. Before being submitted, the manuscript should be checked by a native English speaker who is familiar with the area of the research.
  • strongⅫ. Form for Copyright Transfer
    The copyright for manuscripts in the Journal of Special Education: Theory and Practice is held by the Research Institute of the Korea Special Education.
    Use the copyright transfer form at the end of this manual. The form should be signed by all authors and submitted with the manuscript.

For further information, contact the Editorial Office;
Journal of Special Education: Theory and Practice
Research Institute of the Korea Special Education
Daegu University 201, Daegudae-ro, Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea
Phone: +82-53-850-4249, Fax: +82-53-850-5819 Homepage. https://jsped.jams.or.kr
E-mail. journal-se@hanmail.net