"Asia Pacific Journal of Intellectual Disabilities" by Asian Journal Center, Korea
under the Asian Federation on Intellectual Disabilities
The journal will be published in the Asian Journal Center (AJC), located in Korea, under the auspices of the Asian Federation on Intellectual Disabilities (AFID). The name of the journal will be "Asia Pacific Journal of Intellectual Disabilities(APJID)."
Strategic Plan 1: PURPOSE
To publish a journal which will give broad coverage to and disseminate information on evidence-based research, social welfare, vocational policy, employment, and service provider practice related to individuals with intellectual disabilities in the Asia Pacific region. It will feature content for individuals with intellectual disabilities related to educational policy development, service design, methods and social support systems in the community and school system and organizational and legal structures designed to support individuals with Intellectual disabilities. The journal will be the essential professional resource for information about intellectual disability in the Asia Pacific region. It will deliver current research and best practice information, commentary from authoritative experts on critical topics, and a calendar of important events.
Open access
Open to interdisciplinary research of special education, rehabilitation, and social welfare.
Open to all types of research studies
Open to peer review
Strategic Plan 3: IMPACT FACTOR
Each calculation of the impact factor spans three years of the ublication history. Since APJID is a new journal, it is not yet eligible for an impact factor. The journal will apply to for inclusion in the web of science when eligible.
The articles are collected using on-going process into online issues. APJID is semiannually published in June 22 and December 26. A newsletter will be delivered via email.
Strategic Plan 5: ORGANIZATION
The Asia Pacific Journal of Intellectual Disabilities will consist of a Director, an Editorial Board, and an Editorial Committee. The Editorial Board will consist of five to eight members as Associate Editors from AFID and full or Associate Countries on an invitation basis. The Editorial Committee will consist of members as Advisory Editors who have made excellent achievements in the area of education and welfare and research or practice on intellectual disabilities.
The Board will decide on the topics for inclusion in the journal and related editorial matters. The Editorial Committee will review submission papers or recommend reviewers for each manuscript submitted to the journal.
The Director of Asia Pacific Journal of Intellectual Disabilities will be the Editor-in-Chief and represent the Board. The Director may appoint two persons as Executive Editors.
The term of editor in chief is three-year. However, it is possible that the term can be extended by the consent of editors of APJID.
Evidence-based, scientific articles on topics related to individuals with intellectual disabilities in the Asia Pacific region. The topics may have far-reaching and broad impact. All manuscripts will be peer reviewed.
Length: 30-35 pages long.
Data Brief: Data Brief will be a shorter format for presenting research results than evidence-based, scientific articles. The primary difference between Articles and Data Brief will be length. In addition, Data Brief may have a more focused or narrow impact than evidence-based scientific articles and may report pilot studies, research in progress, or studies with a small number of subjects. All Data Brief will be peer reviewed.
Length: 20 pages long.
Service Providers, family/Educator Perspectives and Practice Reports: Asia Pacific Journal of Intellectual Disabilities will publish two briefer features intended for readers who work daily with individuals with intellectual disabilities. Authors of these features will often be practicing service providers, or rehabilitation specialist, or family members, or educators. Authors will describe strategies that have helped them in teaching a particular skill or topic. They will use observations and examples from their own experience that will help others to be more effective in-service providers, or rehabilitation specialist, or family members/educators. This feature will be an excellent forum for first-time authors who are doctoral students, parents / siblings, or educators, service providers or new researchers. Service Providers/Educator Perspectives and Practice Reports will be peer reviewed.
Length: 15-20 pages long.
Asia Pacific Area News: This will be a forum for reporting on research or programs that are specific to one culture or one part of the world that may not have broader relevance. Asia Pacific Area News manuscripts will not be peer reviewed.
Length: 10 pages long.
Comment: A discussion of a timely topic, based on the author's experience or opinions. The Editorial Board may invite submissions from distinguished individuals or researchers for comments. Comments will not be peer reviewed.
Length: 5pages long.
Book Review: The book review should include the followings: Increasing a reader's scope by introducing books that a reader may not consider reading; Evaluating the publication as to its associated with the meaning, utility, and relevance for the field; Gauging its precise quality and practicality for intended audiences; and Discussing the book's likely contribution and value to policy makers. The topics of book review will consider submissions in following subject areas: Perspectives of family members of individual with disabilities (E.G. physical, emotional, behavioral, and social patterns of growth, developments and aging); Legal aspects (E.G. disability advocacy and litigation); and Instructional and service provision strategies among many others (E.G. promoting community living, recreation, therapeutic programs, social activity and assistive technology). If you have a book that you would like to review, please, contact the editor with a brief illustration of the book, how the book is aligned with the scope and purpose of the Journal.
Length: 5pages long.
Order of Manuscript
Order the manuscript as follows: title page, abstract, body, author note, acknowledgements, notes, references, tables, figure captions (figures should be supplied as separate files), appendices. Each section should start on a separate page.
Abstract: All manuscripts (except Service Providers/Educator Perspectives and Practice Reports; Asia Pacific Area News and Comments) must include a Structured Abstract of no more than 150 words typed on a separate page with the following subheadings: Background, Method, Results, and Conclusions. These subsections should outline the questions investigated, the design, essential findings and main conclusions of the study.
Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all information in their reference list and must refer to the current Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for guidelines for referencing and citation.
Comments and book reviews will follow the general formatting procedures and are required to follow the guidelines of the publication manual of the American Psychological Association.
All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by the Editorial Committee or reviewer(s) referred or assigned by the Editorial Committee. First submissions will be screened for acceptability by the associate editor, and if acceptable, then reviewed by the Editorial Committee or reviewer(s) referred or assigned by the Editorial Committee. A manuscript will be given high quality feedback by at least two experts in the field via peer review.
Strategic Plan 8: REVIEW CRITERIA
Manuscripts should be written in standard English, following the style outlined in the current edition of The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. The manual is available on the web site of the American Psychological Association (APA).
All work submitted to Asia Pacific Journal of Intellectual Disabilities must be the author's original work. The work must be submitted only to Asia Pacific Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and must not have been published before, including online. All submissions become the property of the APJID, which will own the copyright on the material submitted.
The manuscript must have the potential to provoke thought within the field of intellectual disabilities or to help practitioners better perform their professional duties, add new knowledge, serve as a follow-up to previously published work, or have the potential to stimulate submissions by others.
It is equally important in qualitative and quantitative studies to give a detailed account of sample selection, sample characteristics, and observation methods (including questioning). Authors are encouraged to discuss how the findings of their study might affect the day-to-day services delivered by educators, family, service providers, rehabilitation specialists and other practitioners.
Asia Pacific Journal of Intellectual Disabilities will encourage the submission of qualitative papers that interpret, describe, and narrate what has taken place. Qualitative papers can provide an additional, even necessary, dimension when survey data require supplementary, descriptive information or when a topic lends itself more to discussion than to conclusions. It is generally more important for a qualitative study to explain how the analysis was done; in quantitative studies that is usually fairly self-evident.
Strategic Plan 9: REVIEW PROCESS
Submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee or reviewer(s) referred or assigned by the Editorial Committee.
Manuscripts that have been designated by reviewer(s) as Revision/Reevaluation will be returned to the author for revision and then resubmission for reevaluation.
Manuscripts that have been designated by reviewer(s) as Reject will be screened again by additional reviewer(s). If the final decision remains reject, then the submission will be rejected for publication in this journal.
The review process will take no longer than 8 weeks. The status of manuscript can be viewed on the APJID website.
Strategic Plan 10: GENERAL RULE
Subscribe to APJID-Open
APJID-OPEN WILL BE AVAILABLE AT NO COST TO READERS AROUND THE WORLDS. There is no need to subscribe to APJID-OPEN because it is open-access journal. Once the APJID begins publishing, you can sign up to receive email alerts about new articles, the table of contents or citations. Author will not be paid for their published articles.
Copyright Standards
Asia Pacific Journal of Intellectual Disabilities will request transfers of copyright, or in some cases exclusive rights, from the journal authors in order to ensure that Asia Pacific Journal of Intellectual Disabilities has the rights necessary for the proper administration of online and hardcopy journal articles. Authors and their employers retain (or will be granted/transferred back) significant scholarly rights in their work. Asia Pacific Journal of Intellectual Disabilities will take seriously its responsibility as the steward of the online record to ensure the integrity of scholarly works and the sustainability of journal business models. In addition to authors' scholarly rights, authors have certain responsibilities for their work, particularly in connection with publishing and ethics issues.
Ethical Standards
Authors should disclose in an Author Note (either as a separate cover sheet or as part of the manuscript's title page):
A request that the manuscript be considered for publication.
A statement that ethics procedures have been followed and the standards governing research involving human participants in force in the country in which the research has been conducted have been met (note that The Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association [Declaration of Helsinki] represents a minimal requirement).
The source of all research funding, whether the funding body has imposed any restrictions on free access to or publication of the research data, and authors' financial and nonfinancial conflicts of interest, such as direct or indirect financial benefit. Please include the subhead, "Conflict of Interest," in the Acknowledgement section at the end of the manuscript. If no such conflict exists, simply respond "None."
That all authors have contributed to, seen, and approved of the manuscript and agree to the order of authors as listed on the title page. Details on ethical approval, ethics procedures, and informed consent must also appear in the Method section of the paper. Please include a statement that specifies whether the study was approved by a human research ethics committee, institutional review board, or similar. If formal ethical approval was not required, please give the reason (e.g., quality assurance activities; data derived from publicly accessible archives).