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Call for Papers Submission Process


Make Register (ajc.afid73.org, Click the 'Register' link from the menu above)
Review the 'Instructions' link in the menu above first. This is for details and additional information on how to prepare your manuscript to meet the journal's requirements.
Click to submit to Manuscript, and submit your article by online submission system. After that, we'll ask review your article to AJC Associate Editors.


Education and Curriculum Planning
Transition Services / Problem moving from School to Employment
Technology Resources-Assistive Technology
Legal Matters and the Criminal Justice System
Health Issues Including Mental Health
Medical and Scientific Aspects of Intellectual Disability
Social Integration and Other Issues-Family Networking and Support; Parenting and Aging
Rehabilitation & Related Services
Early Childhood & Development; Early Intervention, Developmental Delays
Law, Public Policy & Administration
Self-Advocacy, Empowerment & Citizenship

Submission Categories

Articles: Evidence-based, scientific articles on topics related to individuals with intellectual disabilities in the Asia Pacific region. The topics may have far-reaching and broad impact. All manuscripts will be peer reviewed.
Length: 30-35 pages long.

Data Brief: Data Brief will be a shorter format for presenting research results than evidence-based, scientific articles. The primary difference between Articles and Data Brief will be length. In addition, Data Brief may have a more focused or narrow impact than evidence-based scientific articles and may report pilot studies, research in progress, or studies with a small number of subjects. All Data Brief will be peer reviewed.
Length: 20 pages long.

Service Providers, family /Educator Perspectives and Practice Reports: Asia Pacific Journal of Intellectual Disabilities will publish two briefer features intended for readers who work daily with individuals with intellectual disabilities. Authors of these features will often be practicing service providers, or rehabilitation specialist, or family members, or educators. Authors will describe strategies that have helped them in teaching a particular skill or topic. They will use observations and examples from their own experience that will help others to be more effective in-service providers, or rehabilitation specialist, or family members/educators. This feature will be an excellent forum for first-time authors who are doctoral students, parents / siblings, or educators, service providers or new researchers.
Length: 15-20 pages long.

Asia Pacific Area (AFID Members) News: This will be a forum for reporting on research or programs that are specific to one culture or one part of the world that may not have broader relevance. Asia Pacific Area News manuscripts will not be peer reviewed.
Length: 10 pages long.

Comment: A discussion of a timely topic, based on the author's experience or opinions. The Editorial Board may invite submissions from distinguished individuals or researchers for comments. Comments will not be peer reviewed.
Length: 5 pages long.

Book Review: The book review should include the followings: Increasing a reader's scope by introducing books that a reader may not consider reading; Evaluating the publication as to its associated with the meaning, utility, and relevance for the field; Gauging its precise quality and practicality for intended audiences; and Discussing the book's likely contribution and value to policy makers. The topics of book review will consider submissions in following subject areas: Perspectives of family members of individual with disabilities (E.G. physical, emotional, behavioral, and social patterns of growth, developments and aging); Legal aspects (E.G. disability advocacy and litigation); and Instructional and service provision strategies among many others (E.G. promoting community living, recreation, therapeutic programs, social activity and assistive technology). If you have a book that you would like to review, please, contact the editor with a brief illustration of the book, how the book is aligned with the scope and purpose of the Journal.
Length: 5 pages long.